Friday, June 7, 2013

Legislative Update Week of June 3rd.

With the summer recess looming on the horizon, both chambers are looking to finish up some of the larger issues that have been on the plate for the legislature. Lets review the activity of this week and whats still to come:


The Senate concurred with the conference report for the General Government Omnibus budget, which covers the Department of Community Health budget as well. With the budget now agreed to by the both House and Senate, it will be heading to the Governor's desk for his signature.


The House Michigan Competitiveness Committee convened again this week to consider the House Republican Medicaid Reform package. House Bill 4714 would require the state to ask for a waiver for their Medicaid program that would require full support of expansion by the Federal Government along with a 48 month limit for those able bodied individuals using Medicaid. There were rumors that the legislation was going to be voted out this week by the committee but it did not happen. Instead there was notification that a substitute piece of legislation would be introduced which would make the plan more attractive to the groups who are against this major change. We wait to see what the substitute legislation will look like, but signals from the chair of the committee along with the Speaker of the House is that the new legislation will have the 48 month limit included in it.

The House Judiciary committee came together with the House Health Policy committee to take testimony on House Bills 4694, 4695, 4696 and 4697, which is enabling legislation to create Mental Health courts statewide in Michigan, bring them under the authority of the State Court Administrator's Office (SCAO) and allow them to direct funding for the program. The General Government Omnibus budget included $2 Million for the courts in Michigan, now with this legislation it these court could become a reality. The joint committee heard testimony from those involved in the Mental Health court in Kalamazoo on Tuesday when the joint committee meet. The Judiciary committee continued taking testimony on this issue on Thursday  hearing from the judge in charge of the Mental Health court in Kalamazoo. This legislation is likely to be moved out of the committee at their next meeting as this was one of the issues that Republicans were interested in moving before the start of the break.

The House Health Policy Committee also meet this week to consider a host of issues including taking a vote on House Bill 4736, a bill that would bring EPT to Michigan. The legislation made it out of committee with no signs of fight back from the members of the committee with a vote of 13 yes votes 0 No votes and 2 passes. Now the legislation will be sent to the full House for their consideration and we are hopeful for a vote before the House members leave for break. The committee also took a vote on changing the grade requirement for immunizations. The push to to move the record from 6th to 7th grade since those who are in 6th grade may be younger than what traditionally someone in 6th grade would be. This legislation headed to the House as well.

The Coming Weeks:

The House has several large issues they are looking to tackle before heading home on their summer recess. Transportation and road funding is the major problem facing the legislators at the moment. Looking to increase the tax on gasoline while it is so high or tacking on an increase to your registration fees are just a couple of the ways the House is looking at to solve this road funding issue. Medicaid expansion will be in the limelight for the next couple weeks as well. The House is committed to get their Medicaid reform legislation to the Senate before break. Those are the two largest issues facing the legislature that are trying to be teed up to send to the other chamber.

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