With the Supreme Court taking the attention from most people this week the Michigan legislature made a few waves themselves this week just before they take off for Spring Break. Autism made its way through the House and the Senate along with the Senate make a surprise move by the Senate to pass Senate Bill 291 that would eliminate the requirement for Motorcyclists in Michigan to use a crash helmet. Let's take a look at the rest of the activity this week:
The House received the autism insurance package this week from the Families, Children, & Seniors committee. It was voted out of committee on Tuesday and sent to the House floor where they were determined to pass the legislation. By the end of the day on Thursday the House and Senate had concurred on the bills and sent them to the Governor for his signature. It has been reported that the Governor will be signing the bills sometime early next week.
The House Judiciary committee met on Thursday to consider the changes to Michigan's Medical Marihuana act. There were a few changes that the Medical Society worked with the bill sponsor and other stakeholders to finalize House Bill 4851. This and the other bills are now expected to head to the House floor where a larger fight might be waiting to pass these bills.
The Senate received the autism bills from the House on Thursday which allowed them to concur in the amendments from the House and then send them to the Governor. Other than the helmet repeal being passed by the Senate, activity was pretty quiet on the health care front this week.
The House and Senate subcommittees this week released their recommendation for the Department of Community Health Budget for the coming fiscal year. The House in a exciting move for medicine did not concur with the funding cut in Graduate Medical Education and added additional dollars for GME. Although the additional dollars did not make whole the cut GME experienced last year it is still a positive step forward. The Senate on the other hand had a different idea when reporting out the budget placing $100 placeholders in line items through out the bill. Now the bills will be sent to the full appropriation committee for their consideration.
For more information, including information on the Supreme Court hearing on the Affordable Care Act go to MSMS's advocacy page for information and more. The Legislature will now be on Spring Break, and so will we, unless breaking news happens. Enjoy and we'll see you in two weeks!
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