Friday, February 22, 2013

Legislative Update Week of February 18th

The legislature this week continued their work on the budget for the upcoming fiscal year. The House finally has been receiving work done by the committees, allowing for consideration and for the first votes on the House floor for this young legislative session. Let's review the activities of the past week:


The House Insurance committee took its last bits of testimony on Senate Bills 61 and 62, which would provide for the mutualization of Blue Cross in Michigan. The legislation came out of committee lacking the controversial abortion amendments that hampered the legislation last time, hopefully gaining support from the Governor this time without the amendments. The legislation will now head to the House floor where the amendments could be tacked on or added to the legislation, but it is accepted that the House will act on the legislation in the coming week.


The Senate Reforms, Restructuring and Reinventing committee meet to continue taking testimony on Senate Bill 2 which would expand the scope of practice for advanced practice nurses. This legislation has been somewhat controversial in the medical community and many have found it interesting that the legislation was sent to this committee rather than the Senate Health Policy committee. It was unclear before the hearing whether or not the committee was going to take action on the legislation but in the end did not. MSMS is continuing to work with the sponsor of the legislation to find a compromise that would be suitable for all of the interested parties. We will keep you up to date on the actions of this legislation.


Both House and Senate subcommittees meet this week to hear testimony from the largest part of the Department of Community Health budget, medical services or Medicaid. The expansion of Medicaid, which is a policy MSMS supports, was a hotly contested topic among the Senators while their presentation from the Medicaid director, Director Fitton. Many of the Senators on the committee had a hard time of seeing where the savings would come from if the state went ahead and expanded Michigan Medicaid program. Looking at the Medicaid 67% of the money is federal where the state only provides 16% of general fund / general purpose dollars to the program. It will be interesting to see how the expansion will play out in the coming months.

MSMS New Lawmakers Reception:

MSMS, as they do at the start of every legislative session, held its New Lawmakers reception at the MSMS Headquarters in East Lansing. The event was well attended by physicians and lawmakers alike with Senator Roger Kahn, MD and Representative Sean McCann to name a few that joined us. "This is a great opportunity to reach out to our lawmakers", said Raymond Rudoni, MD who is the chair of the MSMS Legislative and Regulations committee. The event went on past its end time and was hailed as a success with participation from medical students to retirees.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Legislative Update Week of February 11th

With the budget being presented by the Governor we're now off to the races on what can be described as an up and down next couple months for the next couple months. Blue Cross Blue Shield is still in the works in the House with the Senate waiting for the House's next move with the health insurance issues. Let's review the week:


The House Appropriations Subcommittee for Community Health started its work on the FY 2014 budget by welcoming the Director of the Michigan Department of Community Health to the committee for an overview of the State Budget. Out of this presentation the Director laid out the priorities of the administration as it pertained to Michigan's health care Major topics were the Medcaid expansion, mental health, and infant mortality to mention a few. Now the committee will have presentation from Medicaid, Behavioral Health, and Office of Services for the Aging in the coming weeks.

The House Insurance committee took testimony on Senate Bills 61 and 62 which provides for the mutualization of BC/BS. The House, similar to last time, started discussions about the abortion language that was in the previous legislation and one of the major reasons of why the Governor vetoed the legislation last time. It is uncertain at this point whether abortion language will be in the bills moving forward.


The Senate Committee on Reform, Restructuring and Reinventing took testimony on Senate Bill 2 which would define the scope of practice for advanced practice nurses which included nurse practitioners, nurse midwifes, and certified nurse specialists. This is an issue that the society is leary about but have been working tirelessly with the sponsor to answer his question on the the concerns that the medical community has with the legislation. It is uncertain at this point when the legislation will move but rumblings have said that it could be as early as next month.

Stay with MSMS to get the latest up to date information on all that is happening in Lansing and beyond at You support of MDPAC helps those in Lansing work better with physicians go to to find out how you can help.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Legislative Update Week of February 4th

The past two weeks the Legislature has started to pick up some steam with the Senate moving the blue cross mutualization part two through the Senate and the Governor presenting this budget to the Legislature, let’s review the activities of the past couple weeks:


Committees have been finally formed with Rep. Gail Haines continuing her leadership as Chair of the House Health Policy committee. Rep. Matt Lori will continue his leadership as Chair of the Appropriations subcommittee on the Department of Community Health. The House Health Policy committee started it normal routine for the beginning of the year with briefings from the Department of Community Health for the new members of the committee. With the budget being presented the House Appropriations subcommittees will start to have presentations from their respective state departments.


The Senate Insurance Committee over these past couple weeks considered the Blue Cross mutualization issue that started in the last term of the Legislature. This time the Senate listened to the Governor's recommendations in his veto of the previous legislation and passed what the Senate has passed the first time out of committee. The legislation made its way to the Senate floor where it was approved and sent to the House for their consideration where it was sent to the House Insurance Committee.

Budget Presentation:

The Governor this past Thursday Governor Snyder presented to the Legislature his recommendations for fiscal year 2014. With this announcement on Wednesday of supporting the implementation of the Medicaid expansion in Michigan the Governor set out to provide his road map for the financial future for Michigan in the coming fiscal year.

With the Medicaid expansion already being revealed, his announcement for increasing funding for Michigan's infrastructure and budgeting a 2% increase for K-12 funding, the Governor just gave the Legislature some specifics on what he wanted to do for FY 2014.

The Governor asked for increase funding for mental health services, mental health homes, and innovation programs all in an effort to support and strengthen a program that needs it. Many of Michigan's children continue to go without proper dental care, with this budget as with the last, the Governor proposes support Healthy Kids Dental by adding additional funding for the program. With the Governor's report from the task force on Infant Mortality being release middle of last year, he was unable to provide funding for any solutions that the report found, with this fiscal year that is different and proposes adding $2.5 Million to help curb mortality.

With medicine changing the need for innovation is needed now more than ever and the Governor recognizes this, and did so by adding $3 Million for innovation grants for those looking to pioneer medicine's next big breakthrough in Michigan. On the downside Graduate Medical Education took another blow with a recommendation of a cut around $7 Million.

Now it will be up to the legislature on their direction with the budget for FY 2014. MSMS will continue to track and advocate the best for all of Michigan's patients and physicians. Continue to stay with MSMS to receive updates on what is happening at